16.11.2024 17:19
A lonely heart makes the soul empty. You want to air out? Let's talk
As humans there are so many things and situations that we pass through and can possibly wear our souls out,but that's not the time to give up,it's time to stand up,air it out and start up again
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- Language
- English
- Nombre
- Vellah Simiyu
- Ciudad
- Nairobi
- Fecha de nacimiento
- 22.12.1988 (36,12y)
- Correo electrónico
- [email protected]
- Skype
- N/A
- Kik Messenger
- N/A
- Snapchat
- N/A
- N
- Registrado
- 16.11.2024
- Estatus:
- Desconectado
- Visto:
- 17:20 16.11.2024
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